Señor Wooly Series: In What Order Should I Show the Videos?

Now that you’ve got an idea how to start working with Wooly stories, the next question is always, “In what order should I show them?” The short answer: It doesn’t matter. Most videos are stand-alone stories and can be shown in ANY order. As I said in my first post in this series, choose the video YOU like and go from there. 

There are, however, a few videos you DO want to show in order. 

The Victor Saga

Victor is the main character in Guapo, La Confesión, and Feo. His character is also impacted by “Es una ganga” and “Amnesia”.  

Important Tip: You will want to show “Es una ganga” BEFORE “Amnesia”. Spoiler alert: It’s the Ganga girls (the two girls in black suits) that have trapped the man on the street. 

The Victor trilogy order is:

“Guapo”, “La Confesión de Víctor”, and finally “Feo”. 

If you are looking for the story of Víctor (so far) chronologically according to the storyline, I think it goes: 

“Guapo”, “Confesión”, “Feo”, “Ganga”, “Amnesia”  

At the end of Feo, we see Víctor getting a job at the thrift shop carrying a stack of red t-shirts.  I don’t think it’s necessary to show the videos in this order, in fact, I don’t! I show them in this order over the course of Spanish 1 & Spanish 2:

“Guapo”, “Ganga”, “Confesión”, “Amensia”, “Feo”

I do point out to students that Víctor gets a job at the thrift shop and we could assume he is the guy in Ganga, which means he is the man in the street in Amnesia which makes Amnesia that much sadder knowing that he finally found self-acceptance and love and is now trapped in an ever-looping nightmare! Can you tell I’m excited for the next chapter of this story?

The recently-released graphic novel, “Me llamo Víctor: Parte 1” tells the story of a young Víctor and why he grew up to be the man he is. I haven’t seen the full book yet but it looks awesome.

Billy La Bufanda

There are five videos that involve Billy. The original is “Billy la bufanda”. It can work as a stand-alone story. The Billy y las botas trilogy came about because people were wondering about the “botas deliciosas” line in the original Billy video. If you’re wondering why, check out Jim’s interview on the Inspired Proficiency podcast.  The Billy y las botas story obviously goes:

“Billy y las botas” “Billy y las botas 2” “Billy y las botas 3”

“Billy la bufanda enseña los animales” doesn’t actually star Billy. Gorro is the featured character. It can be shown at any time but may be more successful after “Billy y las botas 2” when students have a better connection to Gorro. 

Other Connections

Justin from “Puedo ir al baño” also stars in “No voy a levantarme”. While the two stories aren’t connected, it can be fun to imagine that they are. 

There are several fun Easter eggs hidden in most videos. For example, Víctor makes a brief appearance in the background of “El banco”. He is, of course, flirting. Watching the pop-up videos is always fun!

There are so many fun variations of each video!
Now You Know…

There is NO right or wrong order to use the videos. There are a few videos you want to show in order but most of them can be used in any order. Find the ones YOU love and start there.

Coming Up Next In the Series

I’ll be telling you some of my favorite activities to use with ANY video.

Other Series in This Post

Where do I Start?
Two Ways to Start a Unit

Love stories? Grab my free stem-changing verb story, Joaquín quiere mascota. Perfect for practicing or reviewing stem-changers in context.

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