Oh hey there!

I’m Lisa! I taught high school Spanish for 10 years, the last 7 at a 1:1 school. Let me tell you, I made mistakes along the way AND I learned from them and grew from them.

This website is dedicated to you, the high school Spanish teacher trying to figure out how to save yourself time and energy while still being a kick ass teacher who shows their students the power of acquiring another language.

Full disclosure: I left the classroom in 2021 and now work as a digital organizer. (If you want to learn more about that, head to LisaMcH.com) My heart is still with teachers and I continue to support the community that supported me for my decade as a teacher. It is still my mission to help Spanish teachers lead healthier lives and be amazing in and out of the classroom.

When I’m not working as a digital organizer staying up to date with the best ways to organize Gmail and Google Drive, I’m binge reading fantasy or rom-com novels, pretending to be a contestant on the Great British Bake-off or exploring dairy free recipes (I became lactose intolerant after giving birth to my daughter. *insert sarcasm starting now* Yay for gifts of motherhood!).

Your Time is your most valuable resource

If you can find a way to save time in the classroom, do it. Every single resource I bought for my classroom wasn’t only about the resource. It was mostly about the time it saved me.

your well-being is more important than grading

YOU are the most important thing in the classroom. That’s a shocking statement to some but if you’re not feeling well (physically & mentally) things will fall apart. Trust me, I know. Take care of yourself.

Less is more and you are enough. period.

More is not always better. You don’t need more activities, more resources, or more tools. You need to be confident in your skills as a teacher and all will be well.